Healing To The Nations Magazine
God’s will for us is health and wholeness. God does not send sickness to “teach us a lesson”. Instead, He sent Jesus to show us what He is like, and Matthew 4:23-24 declares that He healed all manner of sickness and disease. In Jeremiah 29:11 God clearly states His will for us: “For I know the thoughts that I have for you, which are thoughts of happiness and not of gloom, to give you hope and a future.” The Healing To The Nations magazine is full of amazing testimonies from people who have received healing from God, and this in turn strengthens the faith of those who are believing for their own miracle.
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Rhapsody of Realities Devotional
Rhapsody of Realities is the most widely distributed devotional in the world. It is published monthly with an entry for each day which will reinforce and accelerate your spiritual growth in Christ. In an eloquent but easy to understand style, Pastor Chris examines Biblical truths under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The devotional is a Messenger Angel which touches all nations and puts you in a position to be successful throughout the year in every area of life. Pastor Chris will guide you through the Word of God daily, and you’ll be transformed as your understanding increases and you apply what you’ve learned.
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